People with Evil Plans keep busy. Probably too busy. But keeping busy doesn't equate to being effective or productive.
The key to your success is finding ways to maximize your productivity while minimizing unnecessary stress.
It's possible, and it's downright necessary if you're looking to make a dent in the universe.
So to be more productive, there are 3 essential things you must do.
1. Disconnect
Einstein once said that "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." It's so true. It's so easy to get sucked in and get caught up in our momentum. The days rush by as we're propelled forward, but in what direction? Are you on track or have you veered off the right path?
You have to disconnect frequently to reassess and plan a more sensible approach. Disconnect a couple of times a day for a few minutes and reassess your effectiveness. Are you just putting out fires or are you working on things that will yield results today AND in the future?
You can also disconnect frequently to take a high level look at your work. Do this on a weekly, monthly or yearly basis. Do it as much (or as little) as you need to feel comfortable that you're on the right track. And remember that rest and leisure are your friends. They'll help you renew and refocus your energy.
2. Singletask
Multitasking is the enemy. It only creates the illusion of speed and actually wears you down. You spin your wheels frantically and don't get very far. It brings unnecessary stress and saps your creative powers. So instead of diluting your energy, focus it! Work on one thing at a time. Focus. Ignore the phone. Turn off email. Don't instant message. Get it done, then move on to the next truly productive task.
3. Batch
Bundle similar tasks together and get them done in one shot. If you have multiple errands to run, batch them together and schedule a single block of time to check them all off your list. At work, don't check email sporadically throughout the day or as they come in. That kills productivity. Instead, block off specific times to deal with email and then shut it off. This'll free up blocks of uninterrupted time to work on your projects.
One last word. All this may sound simple, but it's not particularly easy to do. It takes discipline and determination. So ask yourself, how badly do you want it?
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