President Obama made me proud yesterday when he tackled the issue of workplace flexibility and promised to set an example for other chief executives to follow. In a bold and innovative move, he committed to allowing federal employees in "Washington DC and all across America to telework on a regular basis".
This is an idea whose time has come.
More and more businesses are finding that fostering a flexible work environment is key in helping them retain top talent, reduce employee turnover and absenteeism, and increase productivity.
Yes, I said increase productivity.
Many studies, as well as anecdotal evidence from some pretty great companies, suggest that executives and business owners have little to fear. Instead of becoming less productive, having flexible work hours, and the ability to work from home, seems to encourage more engagement, loyalty and productivity among workers. Many even report preferring flexible workplace options over salary increases - not a bad bargain considering the present economic climate.
I think we need to start realizing that what matters are results and productivity, not when employees clock in and clock out. Also, how and where work is being done is becoming increasingly irrelevant, especially as liberating technological breakthroughs,and the realities of a globalized business environment erode the foundation of the old 9 to 5 workday paradigm.
President Obama's Forum on Workplace Flexibility was a shot across the bow. It's time to realize that this isn't just good for companies, it's good for our families, and it's good for our country.
Let's face it, the world has changed and the world of work is changing with it.
Completely agree. But it will take time for companies to realize that this can work for their benefits and for employee productivity. I had the experience both ways, and if you're committed to it, it works perfectly. Is a matter of organize your time, follow up and responsibility.