Good people make things work. They make life easier for others. They make the world a much better place. And thank goodness that there are great people all around me, but to honor Gary's request, I want to say a little something about Jessica and Daniel.
Jessica is a giver. She gives and gives, never worried about a recompense. People love Jessica because of this. And she loves them back. She's a lover of people. At work she cares about her customers, internal and external. She takes time to connect with them and puts herself in their shoes. She uses her considerable talents to ease their pain, or to make life a little bit easier for them. And when Jessica is not around, people notice. Their lives are a little less bright.
Right now, Daniel is on his way to Iraq. He's a young Army Ranger in his early twenties. He's off to risk his life in defense of our freedom and our principles. To Daniel it's about duty and honor. It doesn't matter who started that conflict or for what reason. Quite simply: his country has called for his service and Daniel is answering the call with enthusiasm and courage. He is honor and duty-bound. He'll leave rationalizations and policy arguments to others. He's ready to serve.
Thank God for Jessica and Daniel.
And you know what? I'm sure you have Jessicas and Daniels in YOUR life. Look for them and help them do their work.
Thanks again Gary!
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