Life Hack: Check Out Evernote App for Your PC and Mobile Phone

Evernote, the digital notebook app for your PC or mobile device, is something of a small miracle.

I've been using to take notes in meetings; to capture ideas on a mobile device like an iPhone or iPod; to scan my paper notes and email them to the cloud for OCR-based indexing; to save important email or MS Office documents, or to search for and retrieve those very same documents in a flash!

This is cloud computing at its finest and it's all FREE!

Evernote consists of a web-based application that's accessible from any device connected to the web. You can also download an application for your Mac or PC and a version for your iPhone or BlackBerry smart phone. And the coolest thing is that keeping all these versions synchronized is nearly effortless. Just set the sync intervals and the application does the rest.

You can upgrade your account to the premium version for just $5, which is a pittance compared to the convenience and productivity gains you'll get from having access to your notes anywhere you go. The perks of going premium include more disk space and faster OCR services, just to name a few.

I highly recommend you check Evernote out. I think you'll enjoy it.

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